dinsdag 5 juni 2012


Vandaag (5 juni 2012) is het de sterfdag van Bonifatius, vermoord bij Dokkum.
Voor wie niet (meer) weet wie Bonifatius was, hier een informatief artikel van Stephen Neil uit Lindsay Jones (red.), Encyclopedia of Religion (2e druk, 2005), vol. 2, 1017-1018:

BONIFACE (673–754), the most distinguished in the
group of English missionaries who, in the eighth and succeeding
centuries, felt impelled to cross the seas and to
preach the gospel to the peoples of the continent of Europe
who were still non-Christians. Winfrith, to whom the pope,
as tradition has it, gave the name Boniface in 722, was a missionary,
founder of monasteries, diffuser of culture, and
church organizer. Born in Devonshire, he was introduced to
monastic life at an early age. Here he grew up in an atmosphere
of strict observance of the Benedictine rule and acceptance
of the vivid culture which was spreading abroad from
Northumbria. His many gifts would have assured him of a
distinguished career in the growing English church but he
felt within himself an intense inner call to carry the gospel
to the as yet non-Christian world.
Two attempts at missionary work with Willibrord in
Friesland led to nothing, perhaps because of temperamental
differences between the two. In 719, Winfrith made the
journey to Rome and received a commission from the pope
as missionary to the Frankish lands. This commission was
later strengthened by his consecration as bishop. Before long
the missionary convictions of Boniface became firmly settled
on three points: that the missions of the Western church
must be controlled and directed by the central authority in
Rome, that religious houses both for men and women must
be founded to supply the necessary continuity of Christian
life in a period of almost ceaseless military disturbance, that
regular dioceses must be founded and supplied with loyal
and well-trained bishops.
The first period of Boniface’s work was marked by notable
successes in Hesse and Thuringia. At Geismar he dared
to fell the sacred oak of Thor. This episode was understood
by the people of the time as a conflict between two gods.
When Boniface felled the oak and suffered no vengeance
from the resident Germanic god, it was clear that the God
whom he preached was the true God who alone is to be worshiped
and adored.
Boniface was successful in securing the confidence and
support, first of the all-powerful Frankish ruler, Charles
Martel, who in 732 defeated the Muslims at the battle of
Tours, and, after Charles’s death in 741, of Martel’s sons
Carloman and Pépin. This helped Boniface greatly in his
work of restoring or creating order in the churches in the dominions
of the Franks, the goal of his second period of the
work. He was successful in creating four bishoprics in Bavaria,
where churches existed but without settled order. He also
called into being four dioceses in the territories to the east
of the Rhine. During this period he brought in many colleagues,
both men and women, and founded a number of religious
houses. His favorite was Fulda (744), where he was
buried, and which for more than a thousand years was a great
center of church life in Germany.
Until 747 Boniface had been a primate and archbishop
without a diocese. In 747 he was appointed archbishop of
Mainz. In the meantime his influence had extended westward,
until it was felt in many parts of what is now France.
In 742 he was able to hold a synod of the French churches,
commonly known as the German Council, and in 744 an
even more important meeting at Soissons. It is to be noted
that the decrees of the earlier council were issued in the name
of Carloman and became the law of the church as well as of
the state.
Two special features of the work of Boniface are to be
noted. Boniface was too busy to become an accomplished
scholar but was deeply concerned for the spread of culture
and used his monasteries as centers for the diffusion of
knowledge. He himself wrote Latin clearly and elegantly,
coming between the over-elaborate style of Aldhelm
(d. 709) and the rather flat scholastic Latin of the Middle
Ages. Frank Stenton has called him the one great writer produced
by the early schools of southern England and a man
of individual genius.
The part played by women in the development of the
church in this period is astonishing. At a time at which the
vast majority of women were illiterate, the religious houses
of England produced a number of aristocratic and highly cultivated
nuns, a number of whom Boniface brought over to
Europe to be the abbesses of his newly founded monasteries.
To Leobgytha (Leoba), abbess of Tauferbischofsheim, he was
bound, as the letters exchanged between them show, in a relationship
of specially affectionate friendship. She survived
him by more than a quarter of a century, and when she died
in 780, she was buried near her venerable friend at Fulda,
in accordance with her earnest desire.
In 752, Boniface, feeling that his work was done, and
perhaps wearied by the increasing opposition of the Frankish
churchmen to the English dominance, resigned all his offices
and returned as a simple missionary to Friesland, where he
had begun his missionary career. Great success marked the
first year of this enterprise. But on June 4, 754, Boniface and
his companions found themselves surrounded by a band of
pagans, determined to put a stop to the progress of the gospel.
Boniface forbade armed resistance, and he and fifty-three
of his followers met their death with the quiet fortitude of
Christian martyrs.
The English are accustomed to speak of these years as
“the dark ages,” but, as the eminent German church historian
K. D. Schmidt once remarked, “to us this was the period
of light, when the light of the Gospel and of Christian civilization
came to us.” Boniface, the apostle of Germany, was
one of those burning and shining lights.

The primary authority is the large collection of the letters of Boniface,
to be found in Latin, Bonifacius: Die Briefe des heiligen
Bonifacius and Lullus, vol. 1 (Berlin, 1916), admirably edited
by Michael Tangl. A good many of these letters are available
in English in The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany, edited
and translated by Charles H. Talbot (New York, 1954).
For those who read German the outstanding modern work
is Theodor Schieffer’s Winfrid Bonifatius und die christliche
Grundlegung Europas (Darmstadt, 1972). In English the pioneer
work is William Levison’s England and the Continent in
the Eighth Century (Oxford, 1946). Among more popular
works, Eleanor S. Duckett’s Anglo-Saxon Saints and Scholars
(New York, 1947), pp. 339–455, can be specially recommended
as both scholarly and readable.

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